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DirWork V1.62 - Chris Hames 12th June 92. All rights Reserved.
DW Size 70968 bytes
Need to get around your directories fast and simply. Force yourself
to read fully this doc file and I think you will find this program of great
use. What makes DirWork better than the rest ?
VERY Configurable. Buttons/Button-keys/Options/Screen Mode/
Screen Colors/Window Size/Window Position/PopKeys/Tools etc can be
modified and the DW executable modified to have these values.
External configuration editor program to make changes easier.
Detaches. So when you type DW from Shell/CLI you can still use your
Shell/CLI as if nothing happened. No need to Run! Paths are kept!
Sleep. Can be put to sleep so it disappears completely until you
select it from the workbench tools menu (kick2.0-) or press left
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D or whatever keys you configured it to.
Also can be started in sleep mode so "DW -s" in your
startup-sequence will have it there for when you want it later.
You can also place DW in your WBStartUp drawer and add the ToolTypes
Intelligent. Double click the left mouse button on the filename of
a IFF picture and it will be automatically displayed. Double click
a text file to display it, press the right mouse button to edit it!
Double Click a .lzh file and you see the contents, right mouse
button on one extracts the contents to the destination dir and then
reads in the new entries. If you have a middle button then pressing
it on the .lzh will extract the files in the background so you can
continue doing other things.
As well as many other instant actions on different types of files
and the instant types are configurable.
The inbuilt text viewer, picture viewer and disk functions
run as separate processes on separate screen so you can double
click a text file and then continue working with DW then swap
the screen and the text viewer is still there. Your diskcopy
can be going on one screen while you a copying files with DW as
A show built in that loads in the next picture while your looking
at the last. Does icons, SHAM and some DHIRES pictures. You can
of course set up a button to use your own show utility.
Buffered directories. Press the right mouse button over the dir
text gadget and you get a menu of previous directories which you
can instantly go to. Parent buttons that will use the buffered
dir when appropriate to save you heaps of dir loading time.
A completely mouse controlled type/hxtype which will automatically
decrunch powerpacker crunched text files.
Both memory and BootBlock virus checking.
Inbuilt Diskcopy/Format/Install with multiple destinations etc.
PopKeys. Define keys to start up programs. eg make Amiga-P start
your paint program. Amiga-Escape start a NewShell etc etc etc
Also adds these programs to DW's menu and your workbench Tools menu
if using Kick2.0-.
ScreenBlanker so that the phosphors on your monitor get a rest.
AutoPoint option so that the window the mouse is over is selected.
MouseAccelerator with selectable threshold.
Copy & move cloning so that the date/protection/filenote is same.
Fast and Smooth Floppy Dirs! Getting a directory off a floppy
is up to 2 times faster. And your drive doesn't grind back and
forward anywhere near as much as normal.
Size. At less than 70K uncompressed it makes mince meat of most
of those huge memory hungry utilities.
This program is SHAREWARE so please support the work that has gone into it.
To minimize bank charges please try to contribute with one of the following:-
Australian Cash or Cheque.
Any cheque drawn on a Australian Bank.
Foreign Cash (US, English or German preferred).
International Money Order or Bank Cheque.
The suggested contribution of $35 makes you a registered user. This allows
you to get direct support from me as well as access to updates. You also a
disk containing the next major version (when it is available) of this program
sent to you.
Please send the contribution & any ideas etc to:-
C Hames |Internet:
Snail: 6 Pamela Crt | bytey@phoenix.pub.uu.oz.au
Blackburn South | bytey@phoenix.apana.org.au
VIC 3130 |FidoNet BBS:
Australia | 3:633/353
And don't forget to include the version number you have!
This program may be copied as long as it is accompanied by this doc file
both unaltered & no money is charged(except for a reasonable copying fee
such as what Fred Fish charges). All use of this program is at your own
risk & I assume no responsibility or liability for any problems that occur.
Future Improvements:- (When registering please tell me which ones you want)
More configurable. ie Screens/ButtonPositions/Colors/Priority etc
copy/move not going to fit requester
Sort by date and size.
Text viewer handle ANSI better(& 8 color option).
BootBlock brain file.
Play Stereo sound samples.
print separate process.
Window to front by double clicking.
Recorded keystrokes.
Auto load of directory on startup. DW dh0:
Copy/delete/move option to copy .infos as well
copy,delete,move want to quit, try again unprotected, continue.
Faster(the need for speed!).
* Updates don't magically appear. So support the product by contributing. *
* If there aren't many contributing in the future no updates, crippleware *
* or similar will be what happens. *
27/ 1/90 1.00 First Release.
5/ 2/90 1.01 VMK updated to v27. Stopped title bar flashing.
12/ 2/90 1.02 Icon. Faster. Smaller. Now uses less memory(5K) if
destination display is not used.
15/ 2/90 1.03 Detaches from CLI. Some Workbench problems fixed.
A Show bug fixed.
22/ 2/90 1.04 CD bug fixed. Volumes button added. Dir buttons
and options can be modified and saved. VMK can
now automatically be executed every 10 secs.
14/ 7/90 1.10 Heaps of little improvements. Copy/Delete/Move Dirs.
Now VERY configurable buttons. Sleep. Window sizing.
HxType/Type/Search Esc works anytime now. Rename/
makdir/copy/move/delete add or remove from both
filelists where appropriate. So many more changes
that I am calling it 1.10 !
30/ 7/90 1.11 Bug fixed when getting dirs with spaces in them.
17/ 8/90 1.12 Rare problem getting dirs with spaces at end.
10/ 1/91 1.20 More than 255 files displayed.
Dirs above files option added.
And too many other things to mention.
13/ 1/91 1.21 Sometimes crashed when started from cli,
bug found in detach routine. Argh!!
Display .info files option added.
Window Pos now saved with config.
16/ 1/91 1.22 Recognition of text files improved. Other little
things improved.
10/ 6/91 1.30 Wouldn't save config if started in sleep mode (-s)
fixed. Didn't open some windows at same offset as
window fixed. Now gets the dirs after sleep.
Automatically gets info(bytes free) for dirs after
a copy move or delete. MakeDir can have icon.
Bootblock checking. Popkeys. ScreenBlanking.
Runs programs with spaces(Dave!).
Save's path of DW program with save executable.
Paths other than C: recognized(Thanks Randell).
Parent/root far left or right of the text gadget
right mouse button over text gadget gets dir.
Shells etc now have close gadgets if kick 2.0,
and the N,x,u commands have been improved.
Kick 2.0 looks. Heaps of other little things.
22/ 6/91 1.31 Requester kick 1.2/1.3 freeze bug hopefully gone.
Crash after RMB instant getdir gone.
AutoPoint for James. Screen option.
Copy/move clone code better and kick 1.2/1.3 date.
Filenote problem with FSDirs problem fixed.
Better FileSelection. Requester bigger.
FileBits/Note writing under Kick 1.2/1.3 fixed.
Resizing doesn't make slide gadgets go to top.
Kick 2.0- execute window title shows path.
Delete didn't request for non-empty dirs fixed.
Popkey stuff gets added to tools menu in Kick2.0-
No flashing bottom line.
And some other little things.
13/10/91 1.40 Middle mouse button instant actions added.
Button/Instant Config strings larger & key codes.
Popkey data larger & with full function defs.
PopKey/tools now are in DW menu as well now.
ScreenBlank bug removed. Volumes button improved.
Right parent/root allows for window width not 640.
Two characters are now used to show protection.
Uses paths when started from workbench.
PlaySS now uses rate in 8SVX files.
Inbuilt Diskcopy/Format/FormaQuick/Install added.
Wakeup now brings screen/window to front and
activates if it is already open.
Key to go to those letter entries for Michael.
Bug in IFF Show with strange width pictures fixed.
and some Overscan support added.
CAPSLOCK qualifier is now ignored for keys.
AutoPoint drag bug fixed. MouseAcceleration added.
Buffered directories menu added.
Added option to allow only one DW to be in memory.
21/10/91 1.41 Qualifier with selected file filebits bug fixed.
FSDir bug fixed with trying to get a file.
Double Click file selection update fixed.
23/10/91 1.42 Swap only refreshed one of the text gadgets.
Double clicking a file that DW couldn't open bugfix.
Sleep could cause dir without files to be buffered.
A few other little things.
30/10/91 1.43 Fixed certain space filenames causing partial getdir.
Type would do partial read of powerp file if no lib.
Right mouse on little buttons sometimes did bufmenu.
DiskName & BytesFree wasn't shown until after getdir.
Added keyboard equiv for Type buttons.
Button colors/looks now more consistent.
2/ 2/92 1.50 Source and destination DiskOp selection fixed.
Awake didn't bring WB screen to front fixed.
FBits size failed on file with rwed off in (k2.0).
Copy/move didn't delete partial files if error.
Copy can copy as
Functions N,u,a can CD source or destination dir.
Function x has become obsolete now use u.
Instant types now can be changed.
3 more instant types added.
Pattern select(K2.0-) added to func j and l obsolete.
Requester should now adjust for massive title.
Makdir adds drawer to list if appropriate.
Show does icons, SHAM and some DHIRES.
DW screen is public(K2.0-) so CON's can open on.
Function a now does spaces and adds "/*" to dirs.
Tools menu splits into 2 if too many tools for one.
Info function does Dir bytes as well.
Function w make icon added.
Function L relabel added.
keyQualCode conversion problems fixed.
RMB activates window option.
Parent using buffered dir option added.
Key activate for left/right text gad added.
Diskcopy to same drive without the ram crash fixed.
DiskOp src/des now stored in config.
DiskOp FFS formatting.
DiskOp,Show,Type are now run as separate processes!
Type new keys h,j,j,keypad8,keypad2,keypadhome,
Type separate overscan(Kickstart2.0-) screen.
Type ANSI search and print.
4/ 2/92 1.51 Some show problems fixed.
1/ 6/92 1.60 Many improvements to show including autoscroll,
fixed some problems with SHAM & DHIRES pics,
added keys to allow moving around bitmaps by
page and extremes, added keys to move the view
around, added key to toggle interlace.
Relabel was made 2.0 only as it should have been.
Will now try to use arp.library for date if 1.2/1.3.
Can be started in sleep mode with SLEEP tooltype.
Right/Middle mouse button actions use to work even
if DW window not visable but active!
Sorting filenames with numbers improved.
Filebits always set the read protect bit.
Made all console windows /AUTO under 2.0
Made s,d CD options refetch only if not capital.
Print could keep asking cancel!!!
Type/HxType would report not enough memory with
certain filesystems under Kickstart 2.0.
Type/HxType/Show would leave DW busy even if it was
displaying the last file to be displayed.
Type/HxType slider gadget under Kick1.2/1.3 would
sometimes not allow you to view start of file.
Type/HxType would only recognize right shift key.
Prompts wouldn't be displayed in certain situations.
File/Dir size would only display 7 characters.
Type/HxType/Show under Kickstart 2.0 would centre
the screen incorrectly for overscan screens.
Move/Copy/Delete various improvements.
Workbench library under Kickstart 2.0 only open
when needed.
2/ 6/92 1.61 DW was turning the sprites off.
12/ 6/92 1.62 Stack given to other programs could have been zero
under Kickstart 1.2/1.3 when DW started from WB.
Stack given to other programs is now inherited
if DW started from Shell/CLI.
Display of picture could busy wait on edges.
1. Instructions for the default DirWork
2. Options in DirWork & Options in DWEdit
3. Hints/tips
1. Instructions for the default DirWork
The window display
|+| Title Bar - Chip & total memory available | | |
| +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
| +++ Buttons +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ Buttons +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
| +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
/ Left Directory Al No CD << <> >> CD No Al Right Directory /
| Left File List | || | Right File List |
| |S||S| |
| DirectoryName ?? |l||l| DirectoryName ?? |
| OR |i||i| OR |
| FileName ?? size|d||d| FileName ?? size|
| ^ |e||e| ^ |
| if undeletable u | || | if undeletable u |
| if has filenote f |G||G| if has filenote f |
| if is script s |a||a| if is script s |
| if pure p |d||d| if pure p |
| |g||g| |
| |e||e| |
| |t||t| |
| | || | |
|Errors and other messages Disk Names & Bytes Free as well |
Actual directory text (Left Directory or Right Directory)
Pressing the Right mouse button when over the text showing the path
of the dir brings up a menu of previous directories as well as a list
of volumes. If you just let go over the text gadget it will read
that directory into the file list.
eg If DF0: was in the Left Directory text gadget you could insert
a new disk into the internal disk drive DF0: and then press the
right mouse button over the DF0: in the Left directory text to
read in the new directory.
If you move down onto one of the previous directory names and let go
it will be fetched from memory (it won't read the disk to get it)
since it is buffered from when you recently read that directory. If
you let go on of the volumes (these are a list as if you pressed the
volumes button and are indented one to the right) it will be read in
from disk.
Pressing the left mouse button over the far left/right of the text
gadget(see the "/" in window representation above) gets the parent.
Parent makes DF0:t/r become DF0:t
Right button gets the root. Root makes DF0:t/r become DF0:
If the Parent buf option is on (is by default) and the last directory
you read is the same as the new one the buffered copy of the dir is
used. ie if you get the dir "DF0:" then "DF0:??" then press parent
or root buttons "DF0:" will not be re-read from disk, the buffered
copy will be used instead.
You can press the left mouse button over the left or right directory
text gadget then edit the directory to the one you want to work with
and then if you press return the directory will be read in.
These gadgets can be activated by the keys Del & Help for left &
right respectively (see DWEdit if you want to change these keys)
Remember in most string gadgets right Amiga X clears the text in
the gadget, and you can use shift -> or <- to go to end or start
of the text.
Press the left mouse button to select/deselect a file or directory
Right mouse button or double click left button on a directory reads
in that directory.
Left mouse button to the far left or right of a file/dir will
bring up a requester with information about the file/dir
the Filename, FileNote and Protection bits which you can edit. As
well as the size and date(only if using kickstart 2.0- or you have
the arp.library). If you select a file the title bar of this
information window will tell you what instant type DW would have
used if you had double clicked this file. If this instant type is
ILBM (a IFF picture file) it will also tell you the
Use the slide gadget to see files that are not displayed. You can
also put the mouse pointer over the file list and press the key of
the first letter of the filename you are interested in and the file
list will move to the files/dirs starting with that letter.
Double Click of left Button on a file will try to recognize the file
and automatically do something with the file(eg With default settings
the quickly double clicking the left button on a text file will type
it & and double clicking on a IFF picture(such as a picture from a
paint program) file will show it with the internal show).
Right Mouse Button on a file will try to recognize the file and
automatically do something with the file.
eg With default settings the Right mouse button on a text file will
edit it (If you have configured your instant edit to your editor
or it already is) or pressing the right mouse button on a picture
file will show it with Mostra(© Sebastino Vigna) if you have that
Middle Mouse button will also do another selectable action if you
have one on your mouse and have Kickstart 2.0-.
Here is a table of the default instant Operations:-
File type Double Clicking Right Mouse button
MOD. Intuitracker filename Run >NIL: Intuitracker file
.ARC Arc v filename Arc xw filename
.DMS DMS Write filename DMS Write filename
.LZH LZ l filename LZ -m -x -r x filename
.LHW Lhwarp Write 0 filename Lhwarp Write 0 filename
.PAK filename filename
.WRP UnWarp filename Run >NIL: UnWarp filename
.ZIP UnZIP -v filename UnZIP -xdo filename
.ZOO Zoo v filename Zoo xO// filename
.GIF VirtGIF filename Run >NIL: VirtGIF filename
.INFO INTERNAL Show Run >NIL: IconEdit filename
8SVX INTERNAL PlaySS filename PlaySS filename
ANIM ShowANIM filename ShowANIM filename
ILBM INTERNAL Show filename Mostra filename
SMUS PlaySMUS filename PlaySMUS filename
Most Most filename Run >NIL: Most filename
PowPk INTERNAL Type filename PPShow filename
Exect filename
Text INTERNAL Type filename Run >NIL: E filename
Binry INTERNAL HxType filename Run >NIL: NewZAP filename
.LHA LZ l filename LZ -m -x -r x filename
.UUE INTERNAL Type filename uudecode filename
.JPG Run >NIL: JView Run >NIL: JView
The main idea is to press the left mouse button if you are referring
to the source as the file list below the pointer. So to copy from
the left file list to the right list, click on the left copy
button. And to copy from the right file list to the left file list,
click on the right copy button.
You can also click on a button with the right mouse button to refer
to the opposite file list but if this sounds confusing just ignore
this paragraph.
(eg Left button on left DF0: will get the directory from DF0:
and put it in the left file list, but right button on left DF0: will
get the directory DF0: and put it in the right file list)
Below is a description of what the buttons will do when the default
setup is used. You can modify button functions to do something
completely different if you want.
DF0: DF1: RAM: SYS: etc
Just press these to get the directory of this name in the
file list below the pointer.
Sleep Puts the task to sleep until you press the four left keys
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D. ie The window disappears as if you quit
but the program is still there waiting until you press the
keys. So you don't have to load DirWork all the time.
DirWork starts in Sleep mode if you type DW -s instead of
the usual DW when you run it from Shell/CLI, or you add the
SLEEP & DONOTWAIT tool types to the DW icon and start it
from workbench.
So you can have the command DW -s in your startup-sequence
or DW in your WBStartup drawer then when you actually want
DirWork later you just have to press the keys
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D or if running Kick2.0- just can select DW
in the Tools menu of workbench.
Do what you want then press the sleep button to make DirWork
disappear again. See PopKeys information for how to change
the key combination that wakes DirWork up.
Al Select all files. See DWEdit to make it select dirs as well.
No Unselect all files & dirs. See DWEdit for other options.
PatSe Requests for a pattern to select matching file(s)/dirs(s).
This button only works if you are running Kickstart 2.0-.
You can toggle if you want Files, Dirs or both to be
selected. Matching is same as AmigaDOS 2.0:-
? Matches any character
# Matches the following expression 0 or more times
(ab|cd) Matches either item separated by the |.
~ Nots the following expression.
[abc] Matches any of the characters in the brackets.
[~ab] Matches any of the characters not in the brackets.
% Matches 0 characters.
~(#?.info) All files that don't end in .info.
#?.dat All files ending in .dat.
<> Swaps the left and right file list displays.
>> & << Copies one file list to the other file list.
Info Updates the info(bytes Free and name). And displays how many
dirs/files/bytes are selected. Good to see if you are going
to be able to fit all the file(s)/dir(s) you want to copy.
Copy Copies files/dirs from one dir to another.
BytesFree for the source/destination is updated.
See the DWEdit documentation if you want it to clone
the original date/filenote/protection etc.
CpyAs Copies files/dirs from one dir to another. Requests you
for the destination name.
BytesFree for the source/destination is updated.
See the DWEdit documentation if you want it to clone
the original date/filenote/protection etc.
Move Moves files/dirs from one dir to another.
BytesFree for the source/destination is updated.
See the DWEdit documentation if you want it to clone
the original date/filenote/protection etc.
Please note the DOS 1.2/1.3 bug where you lose directories
if you move a directory to be a child of itself. I
intercept and stop some but not all.
Delet Delete files/dirs. You are prompted before non empty dirs
are deleted for confirmation but see the DWEdit documentation
section if you don't like this.
BytesFree for the directory is updated.
Print Copies selected files text to the printer.
See DWEdit for other options like Tabs to spaces.
Renam Rename files/dirs. Edit names in the requester.
Please note the DOS 1.2/1.3 bug where you lose directories
if you move a directory to be a child of itself. I
intercept and stop some but not all.
ie Rename ONE ONE/ONE !!!!IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!
MakDi Make a new directory. Enter name in requester.
See the configuration section if you want it to also create
a icon for the directory each time.
Prote Change delete protection of a file/dir. Lets you toggle
the delete protection of a file. A file with delete
protection on has a u next to the right of the filename.
See DWEdit for heaps of different configs for this.
CD Makes the dir the current directory.
Type Displays a text file to a screen (overscan if kick2.0-).
Use the slide gadget on right to quickly scan and use buttons
down below to move through the file or toggle between a hex
or ASCII display of the file.
Or use keyboard:-
Return or CursDown or KeyPad2 or j = NextLine.
CursUp or Keypad8 or k = PrevLine.
Space or Shift/CursDown or KeyPad3 = NextPage.
BackSpace or Shift/CursUp or KeyPad9 = PrevPage.
Keypad7 or Ctrl/CursUp = Start of file
Keypad1 or Ctrl/CursDown = End of file
h to flip between Hex/ASCII.
s or LeftAmiga/s RightAmiga/s to search.
f or LeftAmiga/f RightAmiga/f to search.
Esc or q or Keypad5 = quit.
It runs as a separate process so you can swap screens and
use DW as normal until you don't what the text display any
The screen height and mode can be set from DWEdit.
The title bar shows the filename and will say
"WAS POWERPACKED" if the file was crunched with powerpacker
and has been decrunched. It will say "PARTIAL LOAD" if you
didn't have enough memory for the file so only some of
it was loaded.
By default a double click on a text file will call this
HxType Displays a file in hexadecimal to a window.
Use the slide gadget on right to quickly scan and use buttons
down below to move through the file or toggle between a hex
or ASCII display of the file.
Or use keyboard:-
Return or CursDown or KeyPad2 or j = NextLine.
CursUp or Keypad8 or k = PrevLine.
Space or Shift/CursDown or KeyPad3 = NextPage.
BackSpace or Shift/CursUp or KeyPad9 = PrevPage.
Keypad7 or Ctrl/CursUp = Start of file
Keypad1 or Ctrl/CursDown = End of file
h to flip between Hex/ASCII.
s or LeftAmiga/s RightAmiga/s to search.
f or LeftAmiga/f RightAmiga/f to search.
Esc or q or Keypad5 = quit.
It runs as a separate process so you can swap screens and
use DW as normal until you don't what the text display any
The screen height and mode can be set from DWEdit.
The title bar shows the filename and will say
"WAS POWERPACKED" if the file was crunched with powerpacker
and has been decrunched. It will say "PARTIAL LOAD" if you
didn't have enough memory for the file so only some of
it was loaded.
By default Double click on a binary file will call this
Instant This performs as if you double clicked the left mouse button
on the selected files. It will perform a relevant button
on the file if it finds one otherwise it will assume the
file is just binary and HxType it. All these things can
be changed, see DWEdit documentation.
Show Shows IFF files. Loads in the next pic while the last
is being displayed to save a lot of time. Move mouse pointer
to edge to scroll around a picture bigger than the screen.
Use the left mouse button or press a key to go to next.
If low on memory select one file at a time to display.
By default a double click on a IFF picture file will call
this routine. Will handle SHAM as well as some DHIRES.
Can display icons as well. See DWEdit for more info on this.
Cursors - Move around a large bitmap at 16 pixels each press.
Shift/Cursors - Move around at a page each press.
Ctrl/Cursors - Move to extreme each press.
Alt/Cursors - Move the view around a pixel at a time.
l - Toggle INTERLACE.
It runs as a separate process so you can swap screens and
use DW as normal until you don't what the text display any
PlaySS Plays any file as a Sampled sound at 10000 samples/sec.
Will use the correct rate if the file is a 8SVX.
By default a double click on a 8SVX sound file will call
this routine.
Search Search files for text that you are prompted for.
The prompt has a UpperCase!=LowerCase option.
It will tell you at want offsets in the file the text is
AdIcn Creates a project, tool, or drawer icon for any file(s)/
dirs(s) specified this is good for when you have a program
or a drawer(directory) that doesn't have icon.
DskOp Starts up the internal floppy copy/format/install program.
During operations the track(0-159) and any ERROR number is
shown you can stop any operation by pressing the close gadget
of the window. During any diskcopy "Non standard boot block"
is shown under track if disk has a not normal bootblock.
To Format a floppy:-
Enter diskname in text gadget (defaults to "blank")
Select destination(s) by pressing the drive buttons.
Press Format or FormatQuick.
OFS stands for the Old file system(Normal format).
FFS stands for the Fast file system.
To Install a floppy:-
Select destination(s) by pressing the drive buttons.
Press Install button.
To copy a floppy(You must have 2 floppies or 1Meg free):-
With two or more floppies:-
Select source by pressing the left drive buttons.
Select destination(s) by pressing the drive buttons.
Press the DiskCopy button.
With one floppy:-
Insert the source in DF0:
Select DF0: as only source and destination.
Press the DiskCopy button.
Insert the destination in DF0:
Press the WriteBuf button.
To check a floppy for disk errors:-
Select source by pressing the left drive buttons.
DeSelect all destination(s).
Press DiskCopy button and see if you get a error.
Multiple copies:-
If you select the source as one of the destinations the
complete disk will be put into ram and the WriteBuf button
will be turned on. You can the just keep selecting the
WriteBuf button with any destination(s).
It runs as a separate process so you can swap screens and
use DW as normal until you don't what the text display any
VMK My MEMORY virus detector/killer.
For a simple check to see that your memory is virus free.
Does checks of many memory locations etc that are used
by viruses. If you get a alert use a good disk virus killer
to clear up the problem. See the separate program VMK v1.1
for docs.
The following buttons require you to have a external program and/or
run in your c: or similar directory.
Edit Edit selected files. Requires a editor named E in a path
such as c:.
If you have no files selected E will be run without a file
Pressing the right mouse button on a text file will call
a similar routine.
NewZP NewZAP selected files. Requires Newzap in a path such as c:.
NewZAP is a file editor © John Hodgson.
If you have no files selected NewZAP will be run without a
file name.
By default pressing the right mouse button on a binary file
will call a similar routine.
Run Run selected files. You will be prompted for optional
arguments. eg if you selected the file Diskcopy you
might want to enter "DF0: to DF1:".
If you have no files selected Run will be run so you will be
requested for the program to run.
By default pressing the right mouse button on a executable
file will will call a similar routine.
Commd Enter commands in the Shell/CLI window then enter endcli to
return to DW or if using Kick2.0- or later click the close
NewSh Does the NewShell command. Requires all shell type files.
EScpt Allows you to execute any selected script files.
LZ A Adds file(s)/dir(s) to a LZ archive that you specify in the
2. Options in DirWork
Menu Options
Move the mouse pointer up to the left side of the title bar of the
window and press the right mouse button.
You can select if you want the last 8 directories read to be
kept in memory so that they come up when you press the right mouse
button over the path text gadget.
This is defaulted to on.
You can select whether you want Fast&SmoothFloppyDirs.
Shouldn't be needed with Kick 2.0-.
Note that the DirWork FSDirs does not make use of dos buffers that
have been added using AddBuffers, but does very well with the two
commercial diskbuffering programs.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want the directory to be updated when you
change the floppy disk in one of the drives. ie If you have DF0:
as either you source of destination path and insert a new disk the
new directory will be automatically read in.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want every inserted floppy disk's boot block
checked to see if it is normal. Note some bootblocks are not normal
and are not viruses so when you insert a disk and get the requester
saying this is not a normal bootblock only install if you know that
the bootblock does not contain important information. See the
DWEdit documentation on how to allow XCopy boot blocks.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want VMK(The virus detector) to be run every
8 seconds. You get a requester asking for options(see VMK docs).
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want the screen to blank after 8 minutes of
no activity by the user. A still image on a monitor is not good for
it so this blanks the screen. See the DWEdit documentation on
how to set the amount of time the machine must be idle.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want Directories displayed above files.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select if you want .info files to be displayed.
This is defaulted to on.
You can select if you want the close gadget box of the window
to make dirwork sleep instead of quit.
This is defaulted to off.
You can select that DirWork is to have a screen of its own instead
of using the workbench screen.
This is defaulted to off.
Menu Functions
The SAVE function will modify a DW executable to have the setup
that you currently have. You are prompted for the name of the DW
which would most likely be C:DW. If you have turned on the external
config option (see DWEdit documentation) the function will first
save "s:DW.config" before it prompts you to save it to the
POPKEYS and heaps more are all saved with this command so set up
DirWork how you like it then use this command.
Use external configuration editor will execute the DWEdit program
(you must have it in a valid path such as c:) and hence allow you
to change the many configuration options that you can't from DW and
change many the ones you can in a faster and easier way to
understand. Then when you quit DWEdit you can use the SAVE function
to save all your changes to the DW executable.
Here are some of the things that can be changed using DWEdit:-
Screen Mode/Palette/Size
Position Independent Button Selection Mode
Number of Bufferred Dirs
Task Priority
XCopyBootBlocks as "standard" option
AutoActivate of Text Gadget Option
Type startup ANSI option
RMB activate option
Parent buf option
Left and right text gadget activate keys.
No Duplicates of DW option
VMK Time value
External config file Option
Changing a button:-
You can change a button to make it do something slightly different
to something totally different. Just press on the button then go
to the menu and select "Change last button pressed". To change an
instant action you just do the instant action then select "Change
last button pressed". You can also just do a binary edit of DirWork
and change them that way. But the most user friendly was is to use
DWEdit via the "Use external configuration editor" menu item.
Here is the technical format anyway:-
" , , "
||||| |||\__/||
| ||| | |+------------Arguments for operation.
| ||| | |
| ||| | +-- Special Option for some functions
| ||| |
| ||| +------ Keyboard combination (qualifier/keycode)
| |||
| |||
| |||+-------------- Options for certain routines.
| ||
| ||
| |+--------------- What needs to be selected to operate.
| | F=Selected Files. D=Selected Dirs.
| | B=Selected Files &/or Dirs.
| | A=All files/dirs even if not selected.
| | f=special mode that allows some files or no files
| | 0=irrelevant
| |
| +--------------- Internal routine the button uses.
| A capital letter signifies that the operation does
| not require selected files/dirs. A lower case
| hence means the operation should require selected
| files/dirs.
+---------------------------------------- Button Name of 5 Chars
This is the text that is displayed inside the
ChangePopKey allows you to change the keys that bring DirWork
out of sleep and you can define many other keys to execute other
programs. If you are running kick2.0- the programs are also added
to the workbench tools menu. They are always added to the DW
tools menu.
Use the DWEdit program for a more user friendly way of changing
these entries. By default there is a couple of entries including
one to wake DW up (which must always be the first entry) and
one to start a NewShell by pressing LeftAmiga-ESC.
Here is the technical format anyway:-
"@ , "
||| | |+---------Arguments for operation.
||| | | Also what appears as menu text.
||| | | Must have something here for PopKey/Tools
||| | +------- Special Option for some functions
||| +------ Keyboard combination (qualifier/keycode)
|||+-------------- Options for certain routines.
|+--------------- What needs to be selected to operate.
| F=Selected Files. D=Selected Dirs.
| B=Selected Files &/or Dirs.
| A=All files/dirs even if not selected.
| f=special mode that allows some files or no files
| 0=irrelevant (This is usually the case for PopKey/Tools
+--------------- Internal routine the button uses.
A capital letter signifies that the operation does
not require selected files/dirs. A lower case
hence means the operation should require selected
3. Hints/tips
If you are a registered user just describe what sort of button you
would like configured and I will give you the button configuration text for
it, if it is possible.
To have the programs added to the tools menu under kick2.0-
workbench must be loaded. So you might have to have DW -s after loadwb and
you might have to have a "wait 3" or similar command in between.
If DW is launched from workbench it will have the paths that were
added before the loadwb command so put all your path additions before that
command in your startup-sequence. If DW is started from a Shell/CLI it will
have all the paths that the Shell/CLI had at that point.
For DW's text/hex viewer to decrunch powerpacked files you must have
the powerpacker.library in your libs: directory.
Since Show, Type, & DiskOp run as separate processes you can quit
DW while they are still going. But since they are executing from DW's
program memory DW will not really quit. If there are "child" processes
still running DW goes into a delayed quit until the processes have been
exited from then it really quits. But if you press the wake up keys or
similar or have no duplicates option set and start another DW while it is
in this delayed quit mode, it will start up and forget that you ever said
quit. It forgives you for you mental lapse in actually wanting to quit DW !
DW makes its screen public for kickstart 2.0- so you can open other
windows such as consoles on it. The name of DW's screen is "DW Screen0"
where 0 increases as you run more DW's.
You can stop a multiple file/dirs function (like copying more than
one file or deleting files and dirs) by pressing the left mouse button over
the error display area. This is the area where the diskname and bytes free
is usually displayed.
If you want to crunch DirWork use PowerPacker V3 or later as it
does the correct things, other crunchers may cause DW to crash when
launched from the Shell/CLI. If you are using DW crunched you probably
will use the external config option (selectable with DWEdit). To do this
go to DWEdit before you crunch DW and select the external config file
option then quit(using quit & Save button) DWEdit and SAVE config to
DirWork executable. Then you can crunch DirWork and the config will always
be fetched/stored in "s:DW.config" file.
Chris Hames (Available for Amiga programming work)